Developing Comprehension Skills

Developing reading comprehension skills is incredibly important for all readers, not only for passing tests or exams but for them to fully understand and engage in what they are reading. There is a lot you can do at home to enhance comprehension skills without your child even being aware that that is what you are […]

Poetry for 11-Plus

The Poetry Trust says: Pupils who read and write poems become skilled in using language carefully, in playing with syntax and structure for the best effect; in weighing each word, attending to the smallest detail… They may gain an understanding of the way words can carry complex and subtle meanings …The language skills they gain […]

11-Plus Preparation – Is it for my child?

11-Plus Preparation – Is it for my child?  The 11 plus journey can seem like a daunting voyage. There is an overwhelming amount of information available in the public domain and deciphering it can seem like a mind- boggling task. As a parent it is important that you take a systematic approach to your child’s […]

Vocabulary Tips for 11-plus Preparation

Vocabulary tips for 11-plus preparation   Building your child’s vocabulary skills is something we advise you to start early in your 11-plus preparations. The verbal reasoning and comprehension papers can be extremely challenging for a 10 year old child but if they have a worked on expanding their vocabulary this will give them confidence to tackle […]

11-Plus Reading List

At Succeed 11-Plus Mocks we believe that children should be encouraged and praised for reading books of their choice. However,  when your child is preparing for their 11-Plus entrance examinations they need to prepare for the sort of language they will face in the comprehension papers. Reading a variety of books will help them with this […]